Category: Cognitive

Bodyflex is the most successful attempt to sell ordinary women the idea of ​​doing exercises every day. This is a hybrid of yogic breathing “nauli”, the simplest stretch marks and static poses. The purpose of the lesson is to lose…

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Ice is probably the most popular remedy for muscle pain. However, applying cold is not the only way to effectively relieve pain. This material will consider unconventional methods for solving this problem. Creatine Scientists pay special attention to this supplement,…

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The term “ healthy lifestyle ” means a whole range of aspects of human life, ranging from certain norms in nutrition to emotional and psychological attitude. Leading a healthy lifestyle means completely redefining your existing eating, physical activity and recreation…

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The key to a successful, effective and productive training is a competently and correctly performed warm-up . It has a direct impact not only on efficiency, but also on the safety of training, allowing you to distribute the load. In…

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