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Training scheme

The right start and motivation is the key to success. In the first half of the year, newcomers show solid mass gains, but then the pace slows down. And here it is important not to break down, continue classes and adjust the program as needed. Fitness trainer Amanda Dale has developed an effective home complex for those who, for a number of reasons, cannot go to the gym. The daily program starts with a warm-up. You will need to do two 30-second sets for each exercise. Let’s list these exercises:

  • “Jumping Jack.” Legs are brought together, hands are pressed to the sides. In a jump, spread your legs a little further shoulder-width apart, and raise your arms above you. Return to starting position. Repeat the movement for half a minute.
  • Squats using your own weight. Legs wider than shoulder width apart. The idea is to keep the thighs parallel to the floor when squatting.
  • Alternating side lunges. Starting position with legs together. Step to the right, bringing your torso closer to your knee and at the same time straightening your left leg. Body weight falls on the right heel. Repeat for the left leg.
  • Alternating front lunges. The principle is the same, but you need to step forward. Place your hands on your knee and completely transfer your weight to your heel. Alternate your legs for 30 seconds.

First circuit

There are four exercises in the program. You will have to do four sets, gradually decreasing the number of repetitions. The first approach in the scheme is 20 repetitions, the second – 16. Then – 12 and 8. We proceed to a detailed description of the scheme:

  1. Walking lunge. The legs are brought together, after which the right leg lunges, and the trunk holds the vertical. The knees on the lunge are at a 90-degree angle. Resting on your right heel, lunge with your left foot. Continue to alternate lunges with walking.
  2. Glue bridge. The starting position is to lie on your back with your arms outstretched at the seams and your knees bent. Resting on the floor with your hands, tear off the buttocks, middle of the back and lower back from the floor. Hold on for a couple of seconds in this position, then take the starting position.
  3. Moving from squatting to knees. A soft mat is recommended for this exercise. Get on your knees, and then start the transitions into squats (for one leg). Alternate legs, following the same repetition pattern.
  4. Step up. You will need a box, chair, or step that is about knee-high (the item must be strong and can support the weight of the person). Step onto the box and lift the other leg off the floor, then return to the starting position. Change legs and keep doing the exercise.

Second scheme

There are only two exercises you need to do here – squats and wall sits. But the general scheme seems complicated at first. Arm yourself with a timer and set it up so that it turns on every six minutes. The time for one exercise is a minute. Thus, your intense workouts will alternate with six-minute breaks. On odd minutes, do 15 squats, on even minutes, “sit on the wall”. Exercise until the timer goes off. Here’s how the squat is done:

    1. Spread your legs slightly wider than your shoulders.
    2. Squat using the above technique (legs parallel to the ground).
    3. Jump out into the air (this is where the difficulty begins).
    4. Smoothly land on your feet with bent knees (the angle depends on your fitness).
    5. Repeat this step as many times as necessary.

Note! “The wall is sitting” is not a very popular exercise. Imagine the chair you are “sitting” on. With your knees bent, lean your back against the wall and hold that position for a minute.